Getting Started/Create Sample Metadata Manifest/Import Sample Metadata Manifest

Import Sample Metadata Manifest

Use the following instructions to import a completed sample metadata manifest.

1. From the Cases tab, select the Import drop-down arrow, and then select Add Manifest.

The Upload Manifest dialog box opens, listing imported sample metadata manifests.

2. [Optional] Download a template to create a sample metadata manifest as follows.
  1. Select Download sample manifest file to download the template.
  2. In Excel or a text editor such as Notepad, follow input requirements to modify the template as needed.
  3. Save in tab delimited (*.txt or *.tsv) file format.
3. Select Select Manifest.
4. Browse to the sample metadata manifest (*.txt or *.tsv) file and select Open.
5. Select Submit to upload the file.
6. If an error occurs, do as follows.
  1. In the Error File Name column, select the file name to review the errors.
  2. Select Back.
  3. In the File Name column, select Download file to open the sample metadata manifest and make the necessary corrections.
  4. Repeat steps 35 to reimport the corrected file.
7. Select Done.

The applicable cases are populated with the metadata defined in the sample metadata manifest.