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Reference Genomes

Human, UCSC hg19

The human reference genome is PAR-Masked, which means that the Y chromosome sequence has the Pseudo Autosomal Regions (PAR) masked (set to N) to avoid mismapping of reads in the duplicate regions of sex chromosomes.

Human, NCBI GRCh38Decoy
Chicken, Ensembl Galgal4
Cow, Ensembl UMD3.1
Dog, Ensembl CanFam3.1
Maize, Ensembl AGPv3
Mouse, UCSC mm9
Pig, Ensembl Sscrofa10.2
Rat, UCSC rn4
Rice, Ensembl IRGSP-1.0
Sheep, Ensembl Oar_v3.1
Soybean, Ensembl Gm01
Custom Genome

Select a FASTA file (.fa or .fasta) as the custom genome for the analysis. If using a custom manifest file at the same time, the Build ID column of the [Probes] section is not validated.


When using a custom manifest file, specify a reference genome in the Build ID column in the [Probes] section. Reference genome names are case-sensitive.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 

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