Additional Information/Software Error Logs

Software Error Logs

When you select a project and a specific analysis has the status of Aborted, either the run was canceled or an error occurred.

Analysis Info Page

You can access node-specific logs by selecting the Multi-Node link in the Analysis Info page. Each node corresponds to a specific sample.

You can access software error logs in the Logs folder of the output analysis. The main analysis log can be found in the Logs folder and is named with a combination of AnalysisLog-<YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS>.txt. For component-specific logs, refer to the Logs subfolder for the step.

Logs Folder
Alignment Subfolder
CollapsedReads Subfolder
Stitched Subfolder

Any of these logs may be queried for error information. For additional support or questions, go to https://help.basespace.illumina.com/.