Add a Target by Gene Name

Adding targets by gene name is only available for designs using human or mouse samples.

1. Select the Gene tab.
2. In the Gene Name field, enter a gene name.
3. Select one of the following options:
CDS Only—Limits probe design to the coding sequence only. If a different targeting option is selected, probes are designed from derived CDS coordinates, as defined in the specified reference genome. DesignStudio can automatically target CDS within a defined region of interest. This option differs from Exon Only by excluding untranslated regions (UTRs) with the exons.
Exon Only—Limits probe design to the exons within the target region only. When targeting a gene by exons, all exons (and no introns) are provided, where the 5’ and the 3’ exons include UTRs. Probes are designed from derived exon coordinates, as defined in the reference genome selected. DesignStudio can automatically target exons within a defined region of interest. The DesignStudio exon boundaries are identical to the UCSC hg19 build. Use the Coordinate tab to add a coordinate not included in the reference coordinates. See Add a Target Using Chromosome Coordinates.
4. Select Add Gene.

The gene is added to the targets table below the Add Targets panel.


DesignStudio does not support designs that include multiple entries with the same gene name.

5. [Optional] To modify exon padding for gene targets, select the desired number of bases from the Exon Padding drop-down list.

Exon padding is applied globally to all gene targets in the design. Exon padding is not available for chromosome coordinate targets.