DRAGEN BCL Data Conversion

BCL format is the native output format of Illumina sequencing systems and consists of a directory hierarchy containing data files and metadata. The data files are organized according to the flow cell layout of the sequencing system. The software converts this data to sample separated FASTQ files.

DRAGEN provides BCL conversion software that uses hardware acceleration on the DRAGEN platform, which results in improved run times compared to a pure software execution. To run the conversion software, use the --bcl-input-directory <BCL_ROOT>, --output-directory <DIR>, and --bcl-conversion-only true options.

The DRAGEN BCL conversion is designed to output FASTQ files that match bcl2fastq2 v2.20 output.

DRAGEN BCL conversion supports the following features.

Demultiplexing samples by barcode with optional mismatch tolerance.
Adapter sequence masking or trimming with adjustable matching stringency.
UMI sequence tagging and optional trimming.
Output of FASTQ files for index reads.
[Optional] Combine all lanes to the same FASTQ output files.
High sample count support (100,000).
UMI sequences in index reads.
Eliminate skew as the result of adapter sequence trimming by using the MinimumAdapterOverlap setting.
Outputs metrics to detect index-hopping.