Germline Variant Caller

Developed by Illumina, the germline variant caller identifies variants in DNA samples.

The germline variant caller genotypes candidate variants according to a set of configurable thresholds:

Variants below 20% variant frequency are discarded.
SNVs with frequencies between 20% and 90% and indels with frequencies between 20% and 70% are classified as heterozygous (0/1 genotype).
SNVs with frequencies above 90% and indels with frequencies above 70% are classified as homozygous alternative variants (1/1 genotype).
When multiple candidate variants are identified at the same locus, the caller attempts to merge these variants into a diploid-conform variant. The merging is not performed when genotypes of interest VCF files are provided.

A candidate variant is filtered under the following conditions:

The depth is below the user-specified threshold (default: 10).
The variant quality is below Q20.
Significant strand bias is detected.
The variant occurs in a repetitive region.
The variant does not conform to the diploid model.
The no-call rate is above 0.6.