Summary File

The DNA + RNA Amplicon App produces an overview of statistics for each sample and aggregates results in a comma-separated values (CSV) format: *.summary.csv. These files are located in the app result folder for each sample.



Sample fingerprint

The fingerprints of samples reported in the file. This statistic is available only when Sample ID analysis was enabled.

Sample ID

The IDs of samples reported in the file.

Sample Name

The names of samples reported in the file.

Run Folder

The file path to the run folder.

Analysis Folder

The file path to the analysis folder.

Reference genome

The reference genome selected.

Metrics deliverable

***Need description***


The manifest file used for analysis. This file specifies the targeted regions for the aligner and variant caller.

Number of amplicon regions

The number of amplicon regions that were sequenced.

Total length of target regions

The total length of the sequenced bases in the targeted region.

Call rate

The percentage of bases covered by PASS variants reported in the genome VCF.

Autosome call rate

The percentage of targeted bases covered by PASS variants reported on autosomes in the genome VCF file.

Total on-target aligned reads

The number of aligned reads that are on-target.

Total on-target aligned reads Read 1

The number of aligned reads that are on-target for Read 1.

Total on-target aligned reads Read 2

The number of aligned reads that are on-target for Read 2.

Percent on-target aligned reads

The percentage of aligned reads that are on-target.

Percent on-target aligned reads Read 1

The percentage of aligned reads that are on-target for Read 1.

Percent on-target aligned reads Read 2

The percentage of aligned reads that are on-target for Read 2.

Percent on-target PF reads

The percentage of reads passing filter that are on-target.

Percent on-target PF reads Read 1

The percentage of reads passing filter that are on-target for Read 1.

Percent on-target PF reads Read 2

The percentage of reads passing filter that are on-target for Read 2.

Total PF reads

The total number of reads passing filter for the sample.

Total PF Read 1

The total number of reads passing filter for Read 1.

Total PF Read 2

The total number of reads passing filter for Read 2.

Total aligned reads

The total number of reads passing filter in the data set that aligned to the reference genome.

Numbers are calculated per read, and over both reads.

Total aligned Read 1

The total number of reads passing filter that are aligned for Read 1.

Total aligned Read 2

The total number of reads passing filter that are aligned for Read 2.

Percent aligned reads

The percentage of reads passing filter that aligned to the reference genome.

Numbers are calculated per read, and over both reads.

Percent aligned Read 1

The percentage of reads passing filter that are aligned for Read 1.

Percent aligned Read 2

The percentage of reads passing filter that are aligned for Read 2.

Total aligned on-target bases

The number of aligned bases that are on-target.

Total on-target aligned bases Read 1

The number of aligned bases that are on-target for Read 1.

Total on-target aligned bases Read 2

The number of aligned bases that are on-target for Read 2.

Percent on-target aligned bases

The percentage of aligned bases that are on-target.

Percent on-target aligned bases Read 1

The percentage of aligned bases that are on-target for Read 1.

Percent on-target aligned bases Read 2

The percentage of aligned bases that are on-target for Read 2.

Percent on-target PF bases

The percentage of bases passing filter that are on-target.

Percent on-target PF bases Read 1

The percentage of bases passing filter that are on-target for Read 1.

Percent on-target PF bases Read 2

The percentage of bases passing filter that are on-target for Read 2.

Total PF bases

The number of bases passing filter for the sample. Numbers are calculated per read, and over both reads.

Total PF bases Read 1

The total number of bases passing filter for Read 1.

Total PF bases Read 2

The total number of bases passing filter for Read 2.

Percent Q30 bases

The percentage of bases with a quality score of 30 or higher.

Numbers are calculated per read, and over both reads.

Percent Q30 bases Read 1

The percentage of bases with a quality score of 30 or higher for Read 1.

Percent Q30 bases Read 2

The percentage of bases with a quality score of 30 or higher for Read 2.

Total aligned bases

The total number of bases present in the data set that aligned to the reference genome.

Numbers are calculated per read, and over both reads.

Total aligned bases Read 1

The total number of bases that aligned for Read 1.

Total aligned bases Read 2

The total number of bases that aligned for Read 2.

Percent aligned bases

The percentage of bases that aligned to the reference genome.

Numbers are calculated per read, and over both reads.

Percent aligned bases Read 1

The percentage of bases that aligned for Read 1.

Percent aligned bases Read 2

The percentage of bases that aligned for Read 2.

Percent mismatches

The average percentage of mismatches across both Read 1 and 2 over all cycles.

Numbers are calculated per read.

Percent mismatches Read 1

The percentage of mismatches for Read 1.

Percent mismatches Read 2

The percentage of mismatches for Read 2.

Amplicon mean coverage

The total number of aligned reads to the targeted region divided by the number of targeted regions.

Uniformity of Coverage (Pct > 0.2 × mean)

The percentage of targeted base positions in which the read depth is greater than 0.2 times the mean region target coverage depth.

SNVs (All)

Total number of SNVs present in the data set.


Total number of SNVs present in the data set that pass the quality filters.

SNV Het/Hom ratio

Number of heterozygous variants/Number of homozygous variants.

SNV Ts/Tv ratio

The transition rate of SNVs that pass the quality filters divided by transversion rate of SNVs that pass the quality filters. Transitions are interchanges of purines (A, G) or of pyrimidines (C, T). Transversions are interchanges of purine and pyrimidine bases (for example, A to T).

SNVs (Percent found in dbSNP)

100* (Number of variants in dbSNP/Number of variants).

SNVs in genes

The number of variants that fall into a gene.

SNVs in exons

The number of variants that fall into an exon.

SNVs in coding regions

The number of variants that fall into a coding region.

SNVs in UTR regions

The number of variants that fall into an untranslated region (UTR).

SNVs in splice site regions

The number of variants that fall into a splice site region.

Stop gained SNVs

The number of variants that cause an additional stop codon.

Stop lost SNVs

The number of variants that cause the loss of a stop codon.

Non-synonymous SNVs

The number of variants that cause an amino acid change in a coding region.

Synonymous SNVs

The number of variants that are within a coding region, but do not cause an amino acid change.

Insertions (All)

The total number of insertions present in the data set.


The total number of insertions present in the data set that passed the variant quality filters.

Insertion Het/Hom ratio

Number of heterozygous insertions/Number of homozygous insertions.

Insertions (Percent found in dbSNP)

100* (Number of insertions in dbSNP/Number of insertions).

Insertions in genes

The number of insertions that fall into a gene.

Insertions in exons

The number of insertions that fall into an exon.

Insertions in coding regions

The number of insertions that fall into a coding region.

Insertions in UTR regions

The number of insertions that fall into an untranslated region (UTR).

Insertions in splice site regions

The number of insertions that fall into a splice site region.

Stop gained Insertions

The number of insertions that cause an additional stop codon.

Stop lost Insertions

The number of insertions that cause the loss of a stop codon.

Frameshift Insertions

The number of insertions that cause a frameshift.

Non-synonymous Insertions

The number of insertions that cause an amino acid change in a coding region.

Deletions (All)

The total number of deletions present in the data set.


The total number of deletions present in the data set that passed the variant quality filters.

Deletion Het/Hom ratio

Number of heterozygous deletions/Number of homozygous deletions.

Deletions (Percent found in dbSNP)

100* (Number of deletions in dbSNP/Number of deletions).

Deletions in genes

The number of deletions that fall into a gene.

Deletions in exons

The number of deletions that fall into an exon.

Deletions in coding regions

The number of deletions that fall into a coding region.

Deletions in UTR regions

The number of deletions that fall into an untranslated region (UTR).

Deletions in splice site regions

The number of deletions that fall into a splice site region.

Stop gained Deletions

The number of deletions that cause an additional stop codon.

Stop lost Deletions

The number of deletions that cause the loss of a stop codon.

Frameshift Deletions

The number of deletions that cause a frameshift.

Non-synonymous Deletions

The number of deletions that cause an amino acid change in a coding region.