Set Analysis Parameters/Advanced Options

Advanced Options

STAR Options

[Optional] Expand the STAR menu and specify the values for the STAR advanced options.



Score Difference to Filter Multimapping Alignments

Enter a number 15. The default is 1.

When a read aligns to multiple loci, the alignment is reported if its score is in the range of (s - value, s], where "s" is the highest alignment score and "value" is the number that you entered.

Maximum Mismatches

Enter a number 121. The default is 10.

The output includes alignments that have fewer mismatches than this value.

Maximum Mismatches Over Read Length

Enter a number 00.5. The default is 0.3.

The output includes alignments that have a ratio of mismatches to mapped length that is less than this value.

Minimum Score Over Read Length

Enter a number 0.331. The default is 0.66.

The output includes alignments that have a score higher than this value. The score is normalized by read length, which is the length sum of mates for paired-end reads.

Minimum Matches Over Read Length

Enter a number 0.331. The default is 0.66.

The output includes alignments that have matched bases higher than this value. The number is normalized by reads length, which is the length sum of mates for paired-end reads.

Maximum Seed Search Step

Enter a number 301,000. The default is 50.

The seed search starts at position 1 and the step length determines the next start position. The step length cannot be longer than this value.

Minimum Intron Size

Enter a number 10Maximum Intron Size. The default is 21.

The genomic gap is considered intron when its length is greater or equal to this value. Otherwise, the gap is considered a deletion.

Maximum Intron Size

Enter 0 or a number Minimum Intron Size1,000,000. The default is 0.

If the value is set to 0, STAR calculates the maximum intron size.

Two-Pass Mode

Select the STAR 2-pass alignment. The default is Basic.

Other Advanced Options

[Optional] Select the Mark Duplicates checkbox to mark duplicates in the BAM file and exclude them from variant and fusion calling analysis.