Analysis Output/Analysis Reports/DESeq2 Global Analysis Report

DESeq2 Global Analysis Report

This report lists the metrics for the aggregate differential expression analysis results.

Sample Information



Sample ID

Gene name

Sample Group

Sample group specified through the input form.

App Result

Link to the app result.

App Session

Link to the app session.

Sample Correlation Matrix

The Sample Correlation matrix shows the similarity of the samples, which are based on the correlation of expression levels. The app performs hierarchical clustering based on the correlation.

The correlation levels are expressed in a range between +1 and -1.

1—Total positive correlation.
0—No correlation.
-1—Negative correlation.

The correlation points represent different colors.

White–Lowest value in the matrix.
Green–One third of the range from the lowest value.
Yellow–Two thirds of the range from the lowest value
Red–Highest value in the matrix.

The color between two adjacent points are interpolated; greenish yellow represents the average of the lowest and highest values.

To save the plot as scalable vector graphics (SVG), select Save Plot as SVG.

To export data from the plot as a CSV file, select Export Sample Correlation Data (CSV).

PCA Plot

The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) plots show 2-D scatter plot and 3-D plot show samples along the first two and three principal components that capture the most variance.

The app generates a 3-D plot when there are at least three principal components. The 3-D plot can be rotated and zoomed in and out.

To save the 2D plot as scalable vector graphics (SVG), select Save Plot as SVG.

To save the 3D plot as a PNG file, select Save Plot as PNG.

To export data from the plot as a CSV file, select Export PCA Data (CSV).

To save the table as a CSV file, select Save Filtered Table.

Gene Expression Files

This section contains links to CSV files of the normalized gene expression (TPM) and regularized log-transformed gene count.