DESeq2 Result Files

A DESeq2 result file (*.deseq.res.csv) is a CSV file containing a header row followed by one row for each gene or transcript. The first column contains the gene or transcript ID. The other columns are:

GeneName—Gene name for gene level results or transcript ID for transcript level results.
baseMean—The average of the normalized count values, dividing by size factors, taken over all samples.
log2FoldChange–The effect size estimate. This value indicates how much the gene or transcript's expression seems to have changed between the comparison and control groups. This value is reported on a logarithmic scale to base 2.
lfcSE–The standard error estimate for the log2 fold change estimate.
stat–The value of the test statistic for the gene or transcript.
pvalue–P-value of the test for the gene or transcript.
padj–Adjusted P-value for multiple testing for the gene or transcript.
status–Low if baseMean is less than or equal to filterThreshold calculated by DESeq2 for the gene or transcript. OK for all the other genes or transcripts.
control–Expression of the control group back-calculated from baseMean and log2FoldChange. NA if log2FoldChange is not available.
comparison–Expression of the comparison group back–calculated from baseMean and log2FoldChange. NA if log2FoldChange is not available.