Set Analysis Parameters/Advanced Options

Advanced Options

[Optional] Specify the values for the advanced options.



Somatic variant caller threshold (percentage)

If Somatic Variant Calling is enabled, enter a value 030 to specify the threshold percentage above which somatic variants are called. The default is 5.

A low threshold value can result in more false positive variants. 

CNV caller quality threshold

If CNV Calling is enabled, enter a value 050 to specify the quality score threshold level. The default is 4.

A low threshold value can result in more false positive variants. 

Trim Adapters

Select one of the following trim adapter options:

Nextera Rapid Capture
TruSeq Enrichment
TruSeq Exome
TruSeq Rapid Exome

Flag PCR Duplicates

By default, the app flags PCR duplicates and excludes them for variant calling. If you do not want the app to flag PCR duplicates, clear the checkbox.

PCR duplicates are 2 clusters that have the exact same alignment positions for each read and are from a paired-end run. This option is available for paired-end data sets.

Probes Manifest (for use in Picard HsMetrics)

By default, the app uses the specified Targeted Regions manifest to generate Picard HS metrics. If you want to use a custom manifest instead, select Use Custom Probes Manifest.

Custom Probes Manifest

If you selected the custom targeted manifest and use custom probes manifest options, select the manifest file. If the manifest file you want to use is not listed, see Upload a Manifest File for instructions on how to import the manifest.