Analysis Output/Sample Metrics

Sample Metrics

Sample Metrics

Metric Name


Percent Reads With Usable UMIs

The percentage of reads with usable UMIs.

Percent Duplex Families

The percentage of the total number of families that are duplex families.

Percent Families Collapsed

The percentage of the total number of families that are collapsed.

CV UMI Coverage

The coefficient of variation of the number of families associated with each UMI.

Percent Families Depth >= 5

The number of families with greater than or equal to 5 supporting reads.

Mean Family Depth

Average number of fragments (paired reads) in a family before UMI collapsing.

Mean Family Depth Meets Threshold

Mean Family Depth is greater than or equal to 10 (Derived from ctDNA with TruSight Tumor 170 Workflow).

Median Target Coverage

Median Target Coverage across all base positions.

Median Target Coverage Meets Threshold

Median Target Coverage is greater than or equal to 954 (Derived from ctDNA with TruSight Tumor 170 Workflow).

CV Median Target Coverage

Coefficient of Variation of the Median Target Coverage across all base positions.

Bases with >= 1000x Coverage (%)

Percentage of positions with coverage greater than 1000.

Bases with >= 1500x Coverage (%)

Percentage of positions with coverage greater than 1500.

Bases with >= 2000x Coverage (%)

Percentage of positions with coverage greater than 2000.

Noise AF/Error Rate

Noise Allele Frequency/Error Rate. Average of all allele frequency values between 0 and 0.05, excluding loci overlapping with known germline mutations from 1000 genome data set.

Noise AF/Error Rate Meets Threshold

Noise Allele Frequency/Error Rate is less than or equal to 7e-5 (Derived from ctDNA with TruSight Tumor 170 Workflow).