Analysis Output

Analysis Output

1. When analysis is complete, select the Projects tab in the BaseSpace Sequence Hub Navigation Bar.
2. Select the project where the app results are stored, and then select the analysis.
3. Select one of the following folders to view the analysis output:
ANALYSIS INFO—General Information about the analysis session, including the log files.
INPUTS—The samples and settings specific for the analysis session.
OUTPUT FILES—Output files for the sample, where SampleID is the sample name provided in the sample sheet.

<SampleID> Folder Per Sample

Alignment Folder
CollapsedReads Folder
<SampleID>_metrics.json (intermediate file)
Logs Folder
Alignment Folder
CollapsedReads Folder
Stitched Folder
Analysis Log
Parameters Override File
<SampleID>.error.txt (intermediate file)
<SampleID>.nosieAF.json (intermediate file)
<SampleID>.stitched.bam (intermediate file)
<SampleID>.stitched.bam.bai (intermediate file)