Manage Test Preferences and Files

The test settings page allows you to manage configuration files and lists used in tests. For information about preference files, see Test Parameters.

1. From the Test Management page, select Settings .
2. From the header panel of the Settings page, select a category.
Filters—Create and manage filters. For more information, see Apply Variant Filters.
IGV Tracks—Add or download Input File for Custom IGV.
Custom Annotations—Add or download Input File for Custom Annotations.
Report Templates—Add or download custom html templates for PDF reports.
QC Bed Files—Add, remove, or download QC coverage metrics BED files.
Report Labels—Add or view report label groups.
Report Sections—Add or view report section lists.
Flags—Add or review flag groups.
STR Annotation Thresholds—Add or review flag groups.
Saved Gene Lists—Add or reviewInput File for Gene Lists.