DNA Mapping and Aligning
The first stage of mapping is to generate seeds from the read and look for exact matches in the reference genome. These results are then refined by running full Smith-Waterman alignments on the locations with the highest density of seed matches. This well-documented algorithm works by comparing each position of the read against all the candidate positions of the reference. These comparisons correspond to a matrix of potential alignments between read and reference. For each of these candidate alignment positions, Smith-Waterman generates scores that are used to evaluate whether the best alignment passing through that matrix cell reaches it by a nucleotide match or mismatch (diagonal movement), a deletion (horizontal movement), or an insertion (vertical movement). A match between read and reference provides a bonus, on the score, and a mismatch or indel imposes a penalty. The overall highest scoring path through the matrix is the alignment chosen.
The specific values chosen for scores in this algorithm indicate how to balance, for an alignment with multiple possible interpretations, the possibility of an indel as opposed to one or more SNPs, or the preference for an alignment without clipping. The default DRAGEN scoring values are reasonable for aligning moderate length reads to a whole human reference genome for variant calling applications. But any set of Smith-Waterman scoring parameters represents an imprecise model of genomic mutation and sequencing errors, and differently tuned alignment scoring values can be more appropriate for some applications.
For more information, see the Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform User Guide (document # 1000000070494).