The Files page provides access to the output files for each sample analysis.
• |
• | VCF Files—Variant calls in the VCF (*.vcf.gz) file format. |
• | Genome VCF Files—Variants, references, and no calls for all sites in the genome VCF (gVCF) file format. |
• | Summary File—Statistics for each sample. |
• | Genotypes of Interest Files—Genotypes of user provided positions in the VCF file format (*.genotype.vcf) and the CSV file format (*.genotype.csv). |
• | BAM |
• | VCF Files |
• | Genome VCF Files |
• | Summary File |
• | Genotypes of Interest Files |
The following is the complete list of output files:
File name |
<SampleName>-replay.json |
<SampleName>.time_metrics.csv |
<SampleName>.wgs_contig_mean_cov.csv |
<SampleName>.wgs_hist.csv |
<SampleName>.wgs_overall_mean_cov.csv |
<SampleName>.wgs_ploidy.csv |
appVersion.log |
stdout.log |
If output format is set to BAM, the following Map/Align files are generated |
<SampleName>.mapping_metrics.csv |
<SampleName>.bam |
<SampleName>.bam.bai |
<SampleName>.bam.md5sum |
If output format is set to CRAM, the following Map/Align files are generated |
<SampleName>.mapping_metrics.csv |
<SampleName>.cram |
<SampleName>.crai |
If small variant calling is enabled, the following files are generated |
<SampleName>.hard-filtered.vcf.gz |
<SampleName>.hard-filtered.vcf.gz.md5sum |
<SampleName>.hard-filtered.vcf.gz.tbi |
<SampleName>.vc_metrics.csv |
<SampleName>.vcf.gz |
<SampleName>.vcf.gz.md5sum |
<SampleName>.vcf.gz.tbi |
If CNV is enabled, the following files are generated |
CNV VCF (including TBI and md5sum) |
Segmentation files
Target count files
Diploid files
<SampleName> |
<SampleName>.tn.tsv |
<SampleName> |
If Expansion Hunter is enabled, the following files are generated |
<SampleName>.repeats.bam |
<SampleName>.repeats.vcf.gz |
<SampleName>.repeats.vcf.gz.tbi |
If SV (Manta) is enabled, the following files are generated |
<SampleName>.sv.vcf.gz |
<SampleName>.sv.vcf.gz.tbi |
<SampleName>.sv_metrics.csv |