Add a Target by Transcript ID

1. Select the Add Transcript tab.
2. Enter a RefSeq transcript ID.

Transcript IDs must be separated by a comma or individually listed on separate lines. A design must have at least 12 targets (with a maximum of up to 1200).

3. Select Add Target(s).

DesignStudio validates the entered transcript IDs and displays error messages for any entries that contain errors. DesignStudio does not support designs that include multiple entries with the same transcript ID. Valid transcript IDs are displayed with their canonical gene names.

4. If errors are found in any of your entries, do one of the following.
Select Download error list to download a detailed log file of the erroneous entries. After all the errors are fixed, return to step 2 to reenter transcript IDs.
Select Continue with valid targets only to allow DesignStudio to exclude any entries that contain errors and continue with valid targets only.