Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform Training

  • Training Videos


  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: Technology Overview

    This course describes the benefits of using the DRAGEN Platform for secondary analysis of sequencing data, provides an introduction to the technology, and lists available pipelines.

    Languages: Japanese

    10 min

  • BaseSpace Sequence Hub: Introduction and Analysis Overview

    Recorded Webinar (May 2020) | llumina Technical Support invites you to learn about BaseSpace, Illumina’s cloud-based sequencing data analysis solution. In this presentation, we will discuss how to navigate the BaseSpace dashboard, general BaseSpace functionally, and tips and tricks for successful application and workflow utilization. We will cover the following topics: How to upload/view data in BaseSpace, discussion of major analysis workflows, general overview of how to analyze data on BaseSpace.

    Please note: BaseMount and BaseSpace CLI are alpha software releases; features and functionality may change over time, and support is directly through Illumina software development.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: Analysis Pipeline Overview

    This course provides an overview of the DRAGEN analysis pipelines. By the end of this course, you will be able to identify the role of the DRAGEN Platform in secondary data analysis, list the available pipelines, and briefly describe the expected performance and accuracy.

    10 min

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: Preparing for Your Install

    This course provides an overview of the DRAGEN server installation process, lists the resources needed for the self-installation, and describes placement, security, and network considerations.

    10 min

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: Ultra-Rapid Analysis of Next-Generation Data

    Recorded Webinar (November 2019) | The Illumina DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) Bio-IT Platform utilizes Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware in combination with efficiently written software to provide highly-accurate analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in a fraction of the time required with traditional CPU-based methods. The DRAGEN platform is a cost-efficient analysis solution that is easily scalable between analyzing small and very large sequencing data sets. This webinar is intended for users of DRAGENon-site servers with working knowledge of the Linux command line. In this webinar, we will discuss the following topics: Building reference hash tables and the various advanced options available; Recommended best practices for data input and output withDRAGEN on-site servers; Description of different types of variant calling available for the Germline pipeline, and; Demonstration of Germline variant calling with advanced options.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: What is new with version 3.10 updates

    Recorded Webinar (March 2022) | Learn about the latest DRAGEN release – DRAGEN v3.10. This release brings forth exciting new advancements – including significant germline small variant accuracy improvements with DRAGEN Graph and Illumina Machine Learning, enhanced comprehensiveness with RNA Amplicon support, a targeted GBA caller, and MHC graph reference improvements, and population genomics scalability improvements.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: What is new with version 3.5 updates

    Recorded Webinar (February 2020) | The DRAGEN team is excited to announce the release of DRAGEN version 3.5. This version includes accuracy improvements for the Somatic, SV and RNA pipelines as compared to the previous version, further acceleration to the RNA pipeline, support for CNV analysis on Somatic samples, V8 version of the Mapper that improves the mapping rate, new workflow for large scale cohort calling as compared to the traditional combine GVCF operation, and support for accelerated random and non-random UMI read collapsing.  The webinar is intended for all users of DRAGEN. These features will be made available for on-site customers and also Cloud users on various platforms like BaseSpace and AWS Marketplace.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: What is new with version 3.6 updates

    Recorded Webinar (June 2020) | The DRAGEN team is excited to announce the release of DRAGEN version 3.6. This version includes significant run time improvements to the germline and somatic variant calling pipelines with the implementation of deBrujin graph construction on the DRAGEN FPGA. We are also excited to announce support for FASTQC statistics generation, poly-G trimming, and improvements to the JointGenotyping and CNV pipelines. This webinar is intended for all customers interested in hearing more about what’s new in DRAGEN. These features will be made available for on-site customers and also Cloud users on various platforms like BaseSpace and AWS Marketplace.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: What is new with version 3.7 updates

    Recorded Webinar (November 2020) | The DRAGEN team is excited to announce the release of DRAGEN version 3.7. As always, this is a major release that includes several new features and accuracy improvements. We are most excited to release the first version of our accelerated Single Cell RNA pipeline. We are also enabling our customers with improvements that the DRAGEN team has made that enabled the winning entry in the Precision FDA v2 challenge. Additionally, we are able to provide our users an end to end workflow using UMIs, especially the introduction of the SNV caller for UMI based samples. We have made further improvements in the SV and CNV calling accuracy with new features. For Whole Genome Somatic samples, we are now able to run more integrated workflows with all our variant callers. We would like to also share more improvements around our Pop Gen Cohort calling initiative. There are new features added to the Methylation pipeline that we consider will be extremely valuable to users who run that pipeline. As always, we will make these updates available for onsite and cloud users across our various platforms.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: What is new with version 3.8 updates

    Recorded Webinar (March 2021) | Learn about the latest DRAGEN features and improvements with the recent v3.8 release from Principal Engineer, Shyamal Mehtalia. Major highlights include the introduction of DRAGEN ORA compression technology which enables rapid, lossless compression of FASTQ files, translating in up to 80% savings on storage costs. We also expand our targeted callers and biomarker capabilities with the introduction of TMB and MSI as well as HLA typing.  Additional features and improvements include generalized hardware accelerated trimming, expansion of the graph genome capabilities, and speed and accuracy improvements. BaseSpace Sequence Hub users will be excited to see the introduction of DRAGEN DNA Amplicon and DRAGEN Single Cell RNA Apps.

  • Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: What is new with version 3.9 updates

    Recorded Webinar (August 2021) | Learn about the latest DRAGEN features and enhancements with the v3.9 release.  Significant highlights include the availability of DRAGEN on Microsoft Azure, RNA variant calling, Homologous Recombination Deficiency (HRD) for WGS data, graph genome accuracy improvements (most notably in the MHC region), and expanded capabilities in our single-cell pipeline. Additional updates in this release include streamlined CNV calling and methylation pipelines, gene fusion detection in repetitive regions, and increased ease of use of DRAGEN ORA (FASTQ compression).

  • Metagenomics Part II: Introduction to Analysis

    Recorded Webinar (March 2021) | Following Metagenomics Sequencing Part I, in this webinar, we will discuss Introduction to Data Analysis in Metagenomics. We assume a basic understanding of Illumina sequencing technology and knowledge of library prep workflow for Metagenomics. We will discuss the following topics: Overview of Targeted Metagenomics and Shotgun Metagenomics, Options for Metagenomics Data Analysis:  16s Metagenomics App and DRAGEN metagenomics Pipeline on BaseSpace Sequence Hub, and Overview of DRAGEN RNA Pathogen Detection App on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

  • NextSeq 1000/2000: Introduction to Analysis with DRAGEN

    Recorded Webinar (August 2021) | Illumina Technical Support invites you to join us for a discussion of how to perform data analysis using DRAGEN on the new NextSeq 1000/2000 platform. The webinar is designed to acquaint customers with using DRAGEN on board the NextSeq 1000/2000 as well as in the cloud. The webinar will cover: instrument run setup in the cloud, discussion of hybrid vs cloud mode analysis, DRAGEN Analysis pipelines, and tips and best practices