Introduction | Workflow


The mtDNA Variant Processor App supports both mtDNA D-Loop, custom regions, and whole genome samples. See Analysis Methods.


Nextera Adapter Trimming

Nextera adapters are removed from the forward and reverse reads.
Trimming is repeated until there are no more than 3 adapter bases on the end of the read.
Reads are discarded when they are excessively trimmed or have short amplicons.


BWA-MEM performs the alignment.
Circular alignment is handled across the origin by identifying the true start and end of reads.
Realigns regions with indels to improve alignment and shifts indels to a 3' alignment.

Account for Primers

Manifest identifies the primers and amplicons.
Removes primer contributions from the reads for accurate variant calling.

Variant Calling

Identifies nucleotides that are greater than the interpretation threshold for the position.
Generates percentage of reads for a nucleotide that exceeds the analysis threshold (at).
Generates a percentage of reads for a nucleotide that exceeds the interpretation threshold (it).
Generates the interpretation threshold indicator for positions that have a nucleotide between the analysis threshold and the interpretation threshold.
Reports base call codes. See Base Call Codes.

Filtering and Scoring

Removes reads that do not meet the minimum quality score for a base call.
Calculates a score from the minimum quality score for base call, alignment score, and presence of low abundance reads at the position.

Output Files

VCF files and BAM files.
Use the mtDNA Variant Analyzer App to view the analysis results.