Summary Plots

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Plot Name


Insert Length Distribution

The plot summarizes the insert length distribution for paired-end reads. The 3 vertical lines of the box represent the quartiles and the whiskers represent the 5th and 95th percentiles. The insert length for this box plot is capped at 600 bp.

Alignment Distribution

The app calculates the alignment information based on the on-target genes.

The plot shows the percentage for the color-coded genomic regions, which include coding, UTR, intron, and nontargeted or intergenic. If a panel is selected, the app reports "nontargeted."

Transcript Coverage

The app calculates the alignment information based on the on-target genes.

The plot shows the transcript coverage position as reported by the CollectRnaSeqMetrics utility from Picard tools. A vertical bar shows the relative coverage at the position in each row. The numbers between 0 and 100 represents the normalized position along a transcript.