Sample Plots

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Plot Name


Insert Length Distribution

The diagram summarizes the insert length distribution for paired-end reads. The insert length for this diagram is capped at 600 bp.

Alignment Distribution

If a panel is selected, the app calculates the alignment information based on the on-target genes.

The plot shows the percentage for the color-coded genomic regions, which include coding, UTR, intron, and non-targeted or intergenic. The app reports non-targeted when a panel is selected.

Transcript Coverage

If a panel is selected, the app calculates the alignment information based on the on-target genes.

The plot shows the transcript coverage position as reported by the CollectRnaSeqMetrics utility from Picard tools. A vertical bar shows the relative coverage at the position in each row. The numbers between 0 and 100 represents the normalized position along a transcript.

ERCC Spike-Ins

The plot shows the log RNA FPKM versus log spike-in molar concentration. Each dot corresponds to a gene. The least squares method calculates the fitted red line.