Getting Started/Settings/Set Preferences

General Settings

General settings determine how variants are annotated and displayed.

1. Select the Settings icon or select Settings from the Account menu drop-down list.
2. Select the General tab.
3. Select a Transcript Filtering option to specify which annotations show in the variant grid.
Selected only—Shows only the annotation of the variant corresponding to the selected transcript.
All Transcripts—Shows all annotations for all transcripts. This option adds a drop-down arrow to the Variants table that shows and hides all transcript annotations for the variant.


All transcripts are annotated. The Transcripts Filtering setting determines which annotations are shown in the grid.

4. [Optional] Enter a value from 0–1 in the Reciprocal Overlap Threshold field to specify the minimum overlap threshold required for associations to be considered similar.

The change is applied when a case is imported or reanalyzed.

5. [Optional] Select IGV Preferences options to specify the tracks to include.
DGV—Shows variants annotated in the Database of Genomic Variants (DGV).
ISCA—Shows variants in the International Standards for Cytogenomic Arrays (ISCA) database.