Copy Number Variant Metrics

Metrics are reported on a per sample level.

Sex Genotyper—The predicted sex of the sample.
Number of alignment records—The number of alignment records in the sample.
Bases in reference genome—The number of bases in the reference genome.
Average alignment coverage over genome—The average alignment coverage across the reference genome.
Number of filtered records (total)—The number of total filtered records.
Number of filtered records (duplicates)—The number of duplicated filtered records.
Number of filtered records (MAPQ)—The number of MAPQ filtered records.
Number of filtered records (unmapped)—The number of unmapped filtered records.
Number of target intervals—The number of target intervals in the sample.
Number of segments—The number of segments in the sample. Applicable only to CNV SLM mode.
Number of amplifications—The number of amplifications in the sample. Applicable only to CNV SLM mode.
Number of deletions—The number of deletions in the sample. Applicable only to CNV SLM mode.
Number of passing amplifications—The number of passing amplifications in the sample. Applicable only to CNV SLM mode.
Number of passing deletions—The number of passing deletions in the sample. Applicable only to CNV SLM mode.