Manage and Export Targets

Manage and export targets from the table below the Add Targets panel.

1. View detailed information on regions, targets, probes, and gaps using the appropriate tabs in the table:
View Region Information
View Target Information
View Probe Information
View Gap Information
2. To filter and sort data, see Filter and Sort Target Data.
3. Select UCSC to view a target in the UCSC Genome Browser.
4. To delete targets, select the checkboxes next to the unwanted targets, and then select Delete.
5. To add targets to the design, select the checkboxes next to the desired targets, and then select Add.
6. To remove targets from the design, select the checkboxes next to the unwanted targets, and then select Remove.


A padlock icon indicates regions and targets that cannot be removed from the design. These regions and targets are associated with an Illumina fixed panel or a previously ordered panel.

7. To export information about targets, select the checkboxes next to the appropriate targets, and then select Export.
8. To generate a file suitable for importing into DesignStudio projects:
  1. Select a file format under Save targets as a Coordinate import file:
  2. .csv
  3. .tsv
  4. Select Export.
9. To export more specific information from the design:
  1. Select the type of data under Export data from:
  2. Region
  3. Target
  4. Amplicon
  5. Gap
  6. Select a file format under Save data as:
  7. .csv
  8. .tsv
  9. .bed
  10. Select Export.