Cases/Subject Info

Subject Info

Subject Info contains subject and sample metadata, including subject phenotypes that can be used to generate relevant gene lists. For more information about using gene lists from phenotypes, see Phenotype to Gene Search.

You can add or edit subject metadata until the case is submitted. When the case is In Progress, you can view the information on the Subject Info tab within the case.

The following metadata are available:

Name—The first name, middle initial, and last name of the subject.
Sex—The biological sex of the subject.
Date of Birth—The birthdate of the subject.
Ethnicity—The ethnicity of the subject.
Record Number—The record number of the proband subject.
Secondary Findings—The opt in or opt out selection for reporting of secondary findings.
Research Consent—The opt in or opt out selection for consent to use subject data in future research.
DNA Storage—The opt in or opt out selection for consent to store subject DNA.
Indications—The clinical indications present in the proband subject.
Medical History—The medical history for the proband subject.
Family History—The family history for the proband subject.
Previous Test History—Other test data for the proband subject.
Sample ID—The name of the sample.
Sample Type—The sample type, blood or saliva.
Collected Date—The date the sample was collected.
Received Date—The date the sample was received in the lab.
Family Data
Family Member—The relationship to the proband subject.
Affected Status—The affected status of the family member.