Visualize Sample Data/Static Visualizations

Static Visualizations

The Visualization panel displays two views: Genome View and Mutational Signatures. Mutational Signature plots are optimized for Whole Genome Sequencing workflows and are not generated for all cases.

Genome View—Displays large variants and sequencing depth across the genome, in three plot types:
Structural Variants—The height of each arc corresponds to the somatic score of the variant. Each SV is classified as deletion (blue), duplication (red), inversion (blue-green), or translocation (yellow).
Normalized Coverage—The depth of coverage by chromosomal position. Aberrant values indicate copy number variations. Copy number ratios are classified as diploid (black), gains (red), losses (green), or LOH (yellow).
B-Allele Frequency—Minor allele frequency by chromosomal position.
Mutational Signature—Displays genome-wide mutational signatures within the sample. The plot shows the distribution of substitutions across the sample with a 3mer context and decomposition of signatures, visualized in a stacked barplot and table with probable associations. If there are not enough single nucleotide variants to generate the mutational signature plot, the plot is not displayed.