Apply Variants Filters/Family-Based Filtering Workflows/Autosomal Dominant Transmission Workflow

Autosomal Dominant Transmission Workflow

A variant is on an autosomal chromosome.
The variant is heterozygous (0/1) or homozygous (1/1) in an affected subject
The variant is not present (0/0) in an unaffected subject

Typical Autosomal Dominant Transmission Logic

  1. Unaffected
  2. Affected
  3. Variant

Autosomal Dominant Transmission Workflow



All variants on autosomal chromosomes


All variants that are heterozygous (0/1) or homozygous (1/1) in the subject

Include [Family Only]

All variants that are heterozygous (0/1) or homozygous (1/1) in affected subjects

Include [Family Only]

All variants that are not present in unaffected subjects

Subtract [Strict Only]

All variants, if two unaffected parents are present

Filtering results: Deleterious variants