Apply Variants Filters/Family-Based Filtering Workflows/Autosomal Recessive Transmission Workflow

Autosomal Recessive Transmission Workflow

Autosomal recessive transmission reports results merged from two workflows, homozygous and compound heterozygous.

A single gene contains a variant that is on an autosomal chromosome and:
Homozygous (1/1) in an affected subject
Heterozygous (0/1) or not present (0/0) in an unaffected subject

Typical Autosomal Recessive (Homozygous) Transmission Logic

  1. Unaffected
  2. Unaffected carrier
  3. Affected
  4. Variant

Homozygous Transmission Workflow



All variants on autosomal chromosomes


All variants that are homozygous (1/1) in the subject

Include [Family Only]

All variants that are homozygous (1/1) in affected subjects

Include [Family Only]

All variants that are heterozygous (0/1) or not present in unaffected subjects

Include [Strict Only]

All variants present in the mother and father

Filtering results: Deleterious variants

A single gene contains:
The same gene contains 2 heterozygous (0/1 and 0/1) variants in an affected subject
Both variants are not present (0/0 and 0/0) in an unaffected subject
Both variants are on an autosomal chromosome

Typical Autosomal Recessive Transmission (Compound Heterozygous) Logic

  1. Unaffected
  2. Unaffected carrier
  3. Affected
  4. Mutation

Compound Heterozygous Workflow



All variants on autosomal chromosomes


All compound heterozygous variants (0/1), if at least two heterozygous variants are in the same gene

Include [Family Only]

All heterozygous variants (0/1) in affected subjects

Include [Family Only]

All variants that are heterozygous (0/1) or not present in unaffected subjects

Subtract [Family Only]

All variants in a gene if an unaffected subject overlaps remaining variants in that gene

Subtract [Strict Only]

Variants not present in the mother or father

Subtract [Strict Only]

All variants in a gene if either parent has no overlapping variants with the proband in that gene

Subtract [Family Only]

Variants in a gene if less than two variants remain on that gene

Filtering results: Deleterious variants