Analysis Output/Files/DNA Outputs/Small Variants Genome

Small Variants Genome VCF

File name: {Sample_ID}_SmallVariants.genome.vcf

This file contains small variant calls for each target coordinate in the TruSight Tumor 170 v2.0 DNA panel.

The following variant call filters are applied during the variant call and filter step.

Filter Name


Low Quality

Quality score is < 20 (applies to reference and variant allele calls).

Low Depth

Coverage is < 100 for variant calls and < 250 for reference calls.

Strand Bias

Strand bias score is ≥ to 0.5 (applies to variant allele calls only).

Low Variant Frequency

Frequency is < 0.02 (applies to variant allele calls only).

Indel Reference Repeat

Partial or total repeats of the variant allele (max repeat length 5) in the reference are ≥ 9 (applies to insertion and deletion variant calls only).

Adjusted Quality

Baseline quality score is < 10 (applies to variant allele calls only).

Low Variant Support

Variants with supporting reads < 7 (applies to variant allele calls only).