Illumina Connected Insights

Confidently connect your genomic analysis workflows

The Connected Insights product line harnesses extensive knowledge sources via powerful API-integrations for streamlined, user-defined variant interpretation, including prioritization of relevant clinical trials, drug labels, and guidelines for clinical research. Control over your standardized workflows enables flexibility, and automation speeds your time to relevant insights with procedural consistency. Connected Insights helps you address the interpretation bottleneck and move our understanding of disease forward.

streamlined and integrated genomic analysis, powered for growth

Harness the power of API-integrated knowledge sources into a single solution to bring insights to diverse applications. Automate your interpretation workflows with customizable presets.


Remove unnecessary touchpoints and manual data movement for your NGS workflow, from sequencing through draft report. Seamless and secure, upstream and downstream, directly integrate with the latest DRAGEN Secondary Analysis.

Powered for growth

Keep pace with comprehensive test options that enable diverse variant and biomarker analyses. Expand assay applications and scale volume without increasing headcount and interpretation resources.

We help you achieve


Generate insights using 45+ knowledge sources including JAX-CKB™, CIViC and OncoKB (coming soon) via API-calling.

Private curation

Grow and manage your lab's private curated knowledge.


From data upload to report generation – configure your settings and automate for a streamlined experience with minimum touchpoints.


Evolve with confidence across assays and applications — from panels to genomes and transcriptomes, from tissue to liquid biopsy and heme.


Configure regional content, preferences and language to meet regional needs.


Employ security-first infrastructure and conform to privacy and compliance software requirements and regulations.

Key applications

DNA variants

Identify key DNA variant types (SVs, MNVs, exon-level CNVs, indels, fusions, tandem repeats, LOH) relevant in multiple disease types and across a variety of NGS assays.

RNA variants

Analyze variants from RNA or transcriptomics (fusions, splice variants, and soon expression levels) to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of malignancies.

Biomarker signatures

Uncover more insights by interpreting genome- wide pan-cancer biomarker signatures (TMB, MSI, HRD) with increasing relevance to precision medicine.

Data security and compliance

High standards of data privacy and protection

To meet the most stringent security requirements, Illumina Connected Insights platform is built with security and compliance at its core. Read the security brief for more details.

HIPPA Compliant logo

ISO 27001 Certified logo

GDPR logo

Flexible deployment options

Variant interpretation within a secure cloud ecosystem

The Connected Insights product line on the cloud directly integrates within an Illumina Connected Software ecosystem, unifying highly scalable data management and processing with enterprise-level data privacy and security features all within a single environment. A direct integration option with DRAGEN for variant calling is seamless and automated.

connected insights dragen cloud
Variant interpretation on-premises via a local DRAGEN server

The Connected Insights on-premises product line supports customers in regulated environments where access to the cloud is not an option, offering a solution for local variant calling and interpretation for somatic oncology research applications. Accessed via a DRAGEN server, users can directly pair DRAGEN secondary analysis with Connected Insights.

connected insights dragen on-premise


screenshot of Workflow Configuration Options
Workflow configuration options

Configure once with a fine level of granularity to match your lab’s standard operating procedure (SOP). Accelerate your workflow by leveraging automation configured according to your SOP.

screenshot of Lab Curation
Lab curation

Grow your lab’s private knowledge base with every case and instantly interpret cases against your historical experience. Your curated knowledge is private, secure, and always at your fingertips.

screenshot of Streamlined Reporting
Streamlined reporting

Customize based on lab name, lab branding, sections, fields, and more. Easily edit reports without data reingestion. Export reports in any language.

Software Preview

screenshot of software overview

Save time with automated data upload after one-time configuration. Enjoy workflows with no touchpoints from Illumina sequencers.

screenshot of variant filter

Quickly view key findings, coverage, and QC summary in a consolidated format. Intuitively access deeper evidence sources with a streamlined user interface design.

screenshot of variant grid

Accelerate turnaround time by automating your exact SOP from variant QC and prioritization to interpretation and reporting by configuring disease research, guideline, and lab-specific settings.

screenshot of consolidated variant details

Deepen your insights with cutting-edge visualizations –explore genome view, DNA and RNA coverage plots, variant allele frequency (VAF) distribution plots, and more.

Product content and related resources

connections bring meaning to cancer testing
Illumina Connected Insights brochure

Discover how the Connected Insights product line can streamline user-defined variant interpretation research workflows and reduce the time it takes to generate meaningful insights, all with a single-vendor workflow.

Download brochure   Download research brochure

Illumina Connected Insights video

Watch this video to understand how the Connected Insights product line can connect various knowledge sources to streamline data interpretation operations for critical insights.

Illumina Connected Insights data sheet

Read how Connected Insights streamlines, integrates, and powers molecular laboratories for scale and growth.

Connected Insights - Research data sheet
Connected Insights data sheet
Connecting knowledge to clinical data at scale

Key opinion leaders discuss the ongoing challenges and future potential of NGS in clinical oncology.

Illumina Connected Insights security brief

Learn how Connected Insights employs key security and privacy features to protect sensitive NGS data.

Connected Insights - Research security brief
Connected Insights security brief

Related solutions

Comprehensive panels

Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) uses a single assay to assess hundreds of genes including relevant cancer biomarkers, as established in guidelines and clinical trials, for therapy guidance.

Whole-exome sequencing (WES)

Focus on sequencing coding regions, which frequently contain mutations that affect tumor progression, for a cost-effective approach.

Whole-genome sequencing (WGS)

Get a genome-wide view of somatic mutations and other genomic alterations present in cancer tissue and discover novel cancer-associated variants.

Related products

Clarity LIMS

Laboratory information management system that helps genomics labs track samples and manage workflows for an optimized and efficient lab.

DRAGEN secondary analysis

Illumina DRAGEN secondary analysis provides accurate, comprehensive, and efficient analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

Illumina Connected Analytics

A secure genomic data platform to operationalize informatics and drive scientific insights.

Ready to connect with a genomic scientist?

Discuss your workflow to learn how you can streamline your NGS operations and power your lab for growth using Illumina Connected Insights.

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