Analysis Output/Files/RNA Outputs/High Confidence Variants

High Confidence Variants

File name: {Sample_ID}_HighConfidenceVariants.csv

Contains the high confidence fusion and splice variant calls.

High confidence fusions are fusions targeted with passing filter (KeepFusions column displays True in the {Sample_ID}_Fusions.csv). There are a total of 55 genes targeted for fusion calls. The fusion is reported if at least one gene of the gene pair is in the targeted gene list.

Each reported gene fusion has the following information:
Breakpoint 1
Breakpoint 2
Fusion Supporting Reads
The order of gene1/gene2 fusion reported in the Gene Fusion column does not indicate directionality of the fusion. For any fusion of interest, search for the gene pair in both orientations.
Semicolons denote fusions with overlapping genes. For example, Gene1;Gene2/Gene 3 indicates possible fusion event Gene1/Gene3 and Gene2/Gene3.
The fusion variants are sorted, in ascending order, by Gene 1, then by Gene 2, then by Gene 1 Breakpoint, and then by Gene 2 Breakpoint.

High confidence splice variant calls are splice variants targeted by the panel (total of three genes) with a passing filter.

Each reported splice variant has the following information:
Affected Exon(s)
Breakpoint Start
Breakpoint End
Splice Supporting Reads
The splice variants are sorted by, in ascending order, Gene, then by Transcript, then by Breakpoint Start, and then by Breakpoint End.