Operating System Security Updates

Illumina encourages customers to apply Illumina-tested operating system security patches on a regular basis. Illumina tests critical operating system security patches to ensure compatibility with Illumina systems running the most recent version of instrument software. 

Installing Windows and Linux Operating System updates

To install and configure your Windows or Linux Operating System updates, refer to the table below for downloadable instructions that contain links to instrument-specific patches.

Most updates are cumulative. This means that older patches are rolled into the most recent patch listed.

Windows automatic operating system security updates are disabled by default on your Illumina system. If you enable automatic system updates, it is possible that you may install untested updates that could impact system integrity.
OS Security Patch Download and Installation Instructions

Locate your instrument in the table and download the instructions PDF. Make sure to read the installation instructions prior to installing the patches.

If you have already installed any patches listed in the instrument PDF, you do not need to reinstall them. 

Instrument Scheduled Release Next Scheduled Release Instructions and Patches
iScan Q3 2024 Q1 2025 Refer to Installation instructions below.


iScan Dx N/A Q4 2024
iSeq 100 Q2 2024 Q4 2024
MiniSeq Q2 2024 Q4 2024
MiSeq Q3 2024 Q1 2025
MiSeqDx Q3 2024 Q4 2024
NextSeq 500/550 Q3 2024 Q1 2025
NextSeq 550Dx Q3 2024 Q4 2024
NovaSeq 6000 Q3 2024 Q1 2025
NovaSeq 6000Dx Q3 2024 Q4 2024


Instrument Scheduled Release Instructions and Patches
DRAGEN v3 and v4 — CentOS 7 No longer supported
DRAGEN v3 and v4 — Oracle 8 Updates coming
Q3 2024
Coming soon.
NextSeq 1000/2000
NIPT VeriSeq
NovaSeq X Plus

If you are unable to install operating system security patches per your internal security policy, the following are recommended alternatives:

  • Place the system on an isolated network
  • Utilize an air-gapped network attached storage (NAS) appliance that allows data to sync to the network.
  • Apply the appropriate permission-based controls to user accounts.
  • Make sure that the instrument control computer is only used for the operation of the Illumina sequencing system, and is not used as a general purpose computer. For more information, refer to User Behavior
  • Follow the instructions provided as part of Cybersecurity Guidance.
