Somatic Genotyping VCF

The Somatic Genotyping module generates a modified VCF file with records having a SOMATICSCORE key in the INFO field and a modified READSOURCES.

Values for READSOURCES (0:17:24,1:1:22) can be interpreted as follows:

    } 0—First/tumor sample
    } 17—Number of anomalous reads in tumor sample
    } 24—Normal reads in tumor sample
    } 1—Second/normal sample
    } 1—Number of anomalous reads in normal sample
    } 22—Number of normal reads in normal sample

Mantra tags some somatic structural variants as having low-confidence. The following VCF filter flags are used to indicate low-confidence:

    } MaxSVLEN—Somatic variants is larger than default length of 10Kb of confident SV calls.
    } LowSomaticScore—Somatic variants with a Q-score of less than 30 are still listed in the output file. They are marked using this flag to indicate that they are of lower confidence.
    } LowMAPQ—The fraction of reads that are non-anomalous and above the minimum MAPQ threshold in the normal sample is less than 0.8.
    } MaxDepth—Normal sample site depth is greater than 3x the mean chromosome depth.
    } NormalSupport—At least one read in the normal sample strongly supports the putative somatic allele.
    } MinSampleCount—Fewer than 8 reads support any allele in one of the samples.