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Alignment Summary

Table 9   Alignment Summary Statistics



Number of Reads

Total number of reads passing filter for the sample.


Total number of aligned bases divided by the genome size.

Percent Duplicate Paired Reads

Percentage of paired reads that have duplicates.

Fragment Length Median

The length of the sequenced fragment. The fragment length is calculated based on the locations at which a read pair aligns to the reference. The read mapping information is parsed from the BAM files.

Fragment Length Standard Deviation

Standard deviation of the sequenced fragment length.

Table 10   Read Level Statistics



Percent Aligned

The percentage of reads passing filter that aligned to the reference genome.

Percent Q30

The percentage of bases with a quality score of 30 or higher.

Mismatch Rate

The average percentage of mismatches across Read 1 and Read 2 for all cycles.

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