Manage Projects/Import Data

Import Files Into a Project

The file uploader imports the following file types to any project you have write access to: FASTQ (*.fastq.gz), analysis (VCF and gVCF), manifest (*.txt), or other file types. Use the file uploader when you want to analyze files generated outside of BaseSpace Sequence Hub, or to attach other information related to the project.

1. Open the project.
2. From the project, select File, point to Upload, and then select Files.
3. Select type of files to upload.


Uploading multiple FASTQ, VCF, or manifest files in a single session requires files of the same type.

4. If you are uploading a FASTQ file, do as follows.
  1. Select Select Biosample, then select or create a biosample that the FASTQ dataset will be associated with.
  2. Enter a library name.
  3. Select a prep kit.
  4. [Optional] Enter a position name.
  5. Select Finish Upload.
5. If you are uploading a VCF file, do as follows.
  1. Select Select Biosample, then select or create a biosample that the VCF will be associated with.
  2. Select Finish Upload.
6. If you are uploading a manifest file, do as follows.
  1. Select Select Biosample, then select or create a biosample that the manifest will be associated with.
  2. Select Finish Upload.
7. If you are uploading other file types, do as follows.
  1. [Optional] Select Select Biosample, then select or create a biosample that the files will be associated with.
  2. Select Finish Upload.