Biosamples/Upload Biosample Workflows/Add or Update Prep Requests

Add or Update Prep Requests to Existing Biosamples

You can add new prep requests or update yield requirements for biosamples that have already been added to your account.

To add new biosamples with prep requests, see Add Biosamples.
To request more sequencing data without changing the yield target, see Request a Lab Requeue.
1. Create a CSV file as follows. See Add or Update Prep Requests to Existing Biosamples for more information about the template file and field requirements.
  1. Download or open a biosample workflow template.
  2. For each biosample, enter the following required information.
    • Biosample Name—The unique identifier for the source DNA.
    • Default Project—The default project for storing analysis data.
    • Prep Request—The name of the library prep kit to use for preparing the biosample.
      The name must exactly match an existing library prep kit.
    • Required Yield Gbp—The required yield for the prep request.
    • NOTE

      All template columns must be present in the biosample workflow file, but the Default Project cannot be changed using a biosample workflow. If the biosample does not exist in the specified project, BaseSpace Sequence Hub creates a new biosample in the project. For information about changing the default project for a biosample, see Change Default Project.

  3. [Optional] Add instructions for analysis workflows.
  4. Save the file.
2. From the biosamples master list, select the File drop-down arrow, point to Upload, and then select Biosample Workflow.
3. In the Upload a Biosample Workflow dialog, add your biosample workflow file

BaseSpace Sequence Hub validates the file and identifies any errors.

If there are errors in the manifest file, correct the errors and upload the file again.
If there are no errors, review the notifications and select Continue.