iSeq 100 System Training

  • Introductory Topics


  • Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV): A Beginner's Guide

    Recorded Webinar (December 2020) | The Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV) Software is an application where users can view important quality metrics generated during sequencing runs. This webinar will provide a guided tour for beginners on how to use SAV, as well as tips and tricks for reviewing the most useful information for sequencing runs. This webinar is targeted at new users and will go over the following topics: how to load data into SAV, what metrics are available in each tab of the software, and understanding which are the most valuable metrics for run review and where to find them.

  • Sequencing: Fundamentals
    After completing this course you will be able to describe DNA, RNA and the central dogma; discuss traditional sequencing methodologies; and compare traditional sequencing to sequencing by synthesis.

    15 min

  • Sequencing: Introduction to Sequencing By Synthesis (SBS)

    Recorded Webinar (January 2021) | Illumina next-generation sequencing technology allows for massive parallel sequencing. Illumina Technical Support invites you to join us for a presentation and discussion on sample preparation, cluster generation and sequencing by synthesis chemistry. This webinar is targeted to those new to next-generation sequencing and will discuss the following topics: Illumina library construction, cluster generation methods by platform, sequencing by synthesis, and multiplexing and primary analysis.

  • iSeq 100: Support Resources

    In this video, we highlight the valuable user guides, videos, and online courses that will help you install and use your iSeq 100 Sequencing System.

    8 min

  • iSeq 100: Introduction

    Recorded Webinar (February 2021) | Illumina Technical Support invites you to join us for a discussion of the new iSeq 100 system. This webinar is targeted to new users with a basic understanding of the Illumina sequencing workflow. This webinar will cover: Features of iSeq 100, end-to-end workflow, the new Illumina technologies that power the iSeq 100, and the troubleshooting path when working with Technical Support.

  • iSeq 100: Run Quality and Best Practices

    Recorded Webinar (June 2021) | Illumina Technical Support invites you to join us for a discussion of the new iSeq 100 systems. This webinar is targeted to users of the iSeq Sequencing System and we will discuss run review techniques and troubleshooting considerations specific to the iSeq. This webinar will cover: use of Illumina Sequencing Analysis Viewer to review runs, common issues that may present on the iSeq, how to solve common issues, and best practices. 

  • Instruments & Software


  • iSeq 100: Unboxing and Installing Your Instrument

    By the end of this course, you will be able to: prepare your lab for the arrival and installation of the iSeq 100 system, unpack and install the instrument, identify the test components required to perform first time setup, and perform first time setup of your instrument.

    Languages: French, Italian, German, SpanishChinese (Simplified)

    15 min

  • How to Connect Your iSeq 100 Sequencing System to Illumina Proactive

    This video explains how Illumina Proactive was designed to meet customer needs and walks you through how to quickly and easily connect your iSeq system to Illumina Proactive.

    6 min

  • iSeq 100: How to Start a Run

    This course introduces the steps to start an iSeq sequencing run, prepare the consumables, and use the iSeq Control Software.

    Languages: Chinese (Simplified), German, French, Italian, Spanish

    20 min

  • iSeq 100: Does My Run Look Good?

    This course discusses general guidelines for assessing your run’s performance.

    10 min

  • iSeq 100: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

    This course describes various routine maintenance procedures for your instrument and identifies troubleshooting strategies for solving potential issues.

    Languages: Japanese

    20 min

  • Diagnosing Suboptimal Clustering in Patterned Flow Cells

    Although over clustering is not possible on patterned flow cell, loading a library with a suboptimal concentration negatively impacts run data. This video discusses preventing and diagnosing common clustering issues on patterned flow cells.

    5 min

  • Local Run Manager v2

    This course shows you how to get started using the Local Run Manager v2 software to set up your sequencing runs and view analysis results. Local Run Manager v2 is available for MiniSeq instruments using MiniSeq Control Software v2 or later, NextSeq 500/550 instruments using NextSeq Control Software v4 and later, and MiSeq instruments using MiSeq Control Software v3.

    Languages: French, Italian, German, SpanishChinese (Simplified)

    20 min

  • Metagenomics Part II: Introduction to Analysis

    Recorded Webinar (March 2021) | Following Metagenomics Sequencing Part I, in this webinar, we will discuss Introduction to Data Analysis in Metagenomics. We assume a basic understanding of Illumina sequencing technology and knowledge of library prep workflow for Metagenomics. We will discuss the following topics: Overview of Targeted Metagenomics and Shotgun Metagenomics, Options for Metagenomics Data Analysis:  16s Metagenomics App and DRAGEN metagenomics Pipeline on BaseSpace Sequence Hub, and Overview of DRAGEN RNA Pathogen Detection App on BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

  • Optimal Cluster Density Best Practices

    This video discusses optimal cluster density and how over and under-clustering can affect your sequencing data. It also examines common clustering issues and ways to prevent them.

    10 min

  • iSeq 100: Troubleshooting and Support

    Focusing on maintenance and run optimization can help ensure maximum uptime and productivity for your iSeq 100 Sequencing System. In this video, we will highlight basic maintenance and troubleshooting activities and resources.

    5 min

  • Library Prep


  • AmpliSeq for Illumina: Library Prep Protocol

    This course identifies the items needed for the AmpliSeq for Illumina library prep protocol, introduces pool planning resources for a multiplexed amplicon run, demonstrates the steps in the library prep protocol, and lists best practices for the protocol.

    30 min

  • AmpliSeq for Illumina: Overview

    This course describes the AmpliSeq for Illumina assay technology, lists the three types of panels, introduces the steps in the amplicon sequencing workflow, and lists the analysis options for amplicon sequencing data.

    15 min

  • Amplicon Sequencing: Introduction

    Recorded Webinar (May 2021)| Illumina Technical Support invites you to join us to discuss the end-to-end workflow for an amplicon sequencing project. This webinar is ideal for new users of Illumina Next Generation Sequencing. We will discuss amplicon sequencing, including the following topics: what defines an amplicon library, kits and protocols for amplicon libraries, and amplicon sequencing runs and parameters.

  • Data Analysis


  • BaseSpace Sequence Hub: Introduction and Analysis Overview

    Recorded Webinar (May 2020) | llumina Technical Support invites you to learn about BaseSpace, Illumina’s cloud-based sequencing data analysis solution. In this presentation, we will discuss how to navigate the BaseSpace dashboard, general BaseSpace functionally, and tips and tricks for successful application and workflow utilization. We will cover the following topics: How to upload/view data in BaseSpace, discussion of major analysis workflows, general overview of how to analyze data on BaseSpace.

    Please note: BaseMount and BaseSpace CLI are alpha software releases; features and functionality may change over time, and support is directly through Illumina software development.

  • Diagnosing Suboptimal Clustering in Patterned Flow Cells

    Although over clustering is not possible on patterned flow cell, loading a library with a suboptimal concentration negatively impacts run data. This video discusses preventing and diagnosing common clustering issues on patterned flow cells.

    5 min

  • Local Run Manager v2 (Research Use Only): Introduction - On- and Off-Instrument

    Recorded Webinar (January 2021) | Local Run Manager is a Windows-based software for Illumina benchtop sequencing data that includes local analysis options as well as run and user management. It will provide an overview of the Research Use Only (RUO) version of Local Run Manager v2 including the off-instrument version and the versions bundled with instrument control software. This webinar does not cover the Dx versions of the software. We cover the following topics: features of Local Run Manager v2, available versions and analysis options, how to set up runs and analyze data, interaction with on-instrument control software and comparison to other Illumina analysis software.