Gut-Brain Axis: The Melancholy of Our Gut Microbiome

4484 views | 8 years ago

The microbial population in our guts not only helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, but it also facilitates many important biochemical signaling pathways involved in diseases and our immune...

Fresh Produce and Viral Contamination

531 views | 8 years ago

Fresh produce can be a major contributor of foodborne disease. In the recent past, there’s been great progress in monitoring bacterial contamination of fresh produce, but our knowledge of viral contamination...

Genes in the Bottle

614 views | 8 years ago

If your wish is a great bottle of wine, forget about the genie. It’s the genes in the bottle that matter. In this week’s SciMon video, learn how microbes, genes, and the environment all collaborate...

The Elephant’s Secret to a Long Life

627 views | 8 years ago

Learn how evolutionary biology in elephants may teach us about cancer. Learn more at: Products: Illumina HiSeq:

Modern Sherlock Holmes: Tracking Dust to its Geographical Origin | Illumina SciMon Video

528 views | 8 years ago

Learn how DNA sequencing is improving the traditional field of palynology by accurately identifying the geographic origin of dust samples. Learn more at:

Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and de novo Cell Type Discovery | Illumina Video

4249 views | 8 years ago

Characterization of cells, cell types, and development, is a challenging problem. Traditionally, pathologists apply methods that rely on the a priori knowledge about morphological characteristics of...

Tiny Microbes: Reaching the Lowest Limits of Life | Illumina SciMon Video

2251 views | 8 years ago

Sequencing helps identify ultra small bacteria found in groundwater and new viruses found in untreated sewage. The size of these tiny microbes are smaller than the pores of standard purification filters....

Cancer Immunotherapy and the Role of the Microbiome | Illumina SciMon Video

2548 views | 8 years ago

In the story of our long-lasting battle against cancer, encouraging results are coming from applications where our own immune system is triggered to identify and destroy cancer cells. However, these...