Exercise and Diabetes: Every Body Responds Differently | Illumina SciMon Video

651 views | 9 years ago

Sequencing explores why some diabetics and healthy individuals do not fully benefit from the effects of exercise. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/sequencing/rna.html Products: HiSeq:...

VirScan: beyond profiling the human virome | Illumina SciMon Video

1218 views | 9 years ago

The human virome encompasses the collection of viruses found to infect humans, which interact with the immune system and often leave indelible effects in human health. Current serological methods are...

Methylation: When Whole Genome Sequencing is not Enough! | Illumina SciMon Video

5205 views | 9 years ago

While some cancers subtypes can be elucidated using whole exome sequencing, others show an epigenomic signature. Researchers explore the versatility of Illumina technology, across whole exome sequencing,...

Dynamic Heart Epigenetics: Succumbing to cardiac stress and pressures of growing up | Illumina Video

565 views | 9 years ago

The heart is a very complex organ and plays a major role in assuring proper circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients. Cardiomyocytes are highly specialized cells that adapt to various physiological...

Zombie Viruses: Blast from the Past

747 views | 10 years ago

One of the risks of global warming and the melting of the permafrost is that ancient microbes can be released into the environment. In a recent paper, the authors demonstrated that live, ancient viruses...

Shining a light on the genomics of solar panels contamination

783 views | 8 years ago

Learn how scientists around the world are using next-generation sequencing to identify microbial species living on solar panels. Learn more at: http://www.illumina.com/applications/... Products: Illumina...

The origin of fishfingers: CRISPR/Cas9 in the study of evolutionary and developmental biology

748 views | 8 years ago

CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful study in the fields of developmental and evolutionary biology. Recent studies on fish, butterflies, and crustaceans are great examples on how this technique can be used to...

Of Humans and Microbes: a Long Lasting Relationship

2685 views | 8 years ago

For many years, we have been repeating that for each human cell in a person there are at least 10 bacterial cells. Although this is an over-estimation, recent evidence shows that hominids and certain...