Illumina® | Introducing the NovaSeq™ X Series. Redefine the limits of high-throughput sequencing.

2022년 9월 29일

Access exceptional throughput and accuracy to perform larger studies, more ambitious projects, and more data-intensive methods, more sustainably than ever. This is the NovaSeq X series. NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus Sequencing Systems provide massive throughput and productivity gains to enable sequencing of up to tens of thousands of genomes per year. These transformational sequencing economics will empower genomic scientists to realize projects previously thought out of reach. With the NovaSeq X series, Illumina continues to set the standard for accuracy and usability. Breakthrough advancements in chemistry, optics, and software combine to deliver exceptional speed, data quality, and sustainability. Users can have outstanding throughput and scalability without sacrificing flexible, streamlined, and easy-to-use workflows. This video explores the NovaSeq X series workflow from run planning to analysis. Subscribe to the Illumina video channel A global genomics leader, Illumina provides comprehensive next-generation sequencing solutions to the research, clinical, and applied markets. Illumina technology is responsible for generating more than 90% of the world’s sequencing data.* Through collaborative innovation, Illumina is fueling groundbreaking advancements in oncology, reproductive health, genetic disease, microbiology, agriculture, forensic science, and beyond. *Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc., 2015. View customer spotlight videos View Illumina webinars View Illumina product videos View Illumina support videos

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