TruSeq Bovine Parental Panel: Introduction

108 views | 4 years ago

In this webinar we will review how libraries are generated by our TruSeq Bovine Parentage Sequencing Panel and discuss important considerations starting at the planning of your experiment through generation...

Infinium Genotyping: Introduction to Beeline 2.0 and Data Analysis Workflows

441 views | 4 years ago

Looking for ways to optimize the efficiency of your Infinium genotyping data analysis workflow? In this webinar we go over the following topics: Generation of GTC files from Infinium genotyping data,...

GenomeStudio Genotyping: Evaluating Infinium Assay Controls

1243 views | 4 years ago

In this webinar we demonstrate how to use the GenomeStudio Controls Dashboard for effective assay QC and troubleshooting of Infinium genotyping data. The webinar will cover the different types of controls...

Infinium Genotyping: Introduction to GenomeStudio 2.0 Polyploid Genotyping Module

456 views | 4 years ago

The GenomeStudio 2.0 Polyploid Genotyping Module provides algorithms to cluster and output genotypes for non-diploid species, such as potato. In this webinar will cover the following topics: loading...

GenomeStudio™: Advanced Analysis Tools

891 views | 4 years ago

In this webinar we will demonstrate the use of some available tools and techniques in the GenomeStudio Genotyping, Methylation, and Expression modules, including: heritability and reproducibility analysis;...

Infinium Assay: CNV Analysis using GenomeStudio or BlueFuse Multi Software

1747 views | 4 years ago

Infinium Copy Number Variations (CNV) are genomic alterations that result in an abnormal number of copies of one or more genes and can contribute to diseases. In this webinar will cover the following...

Infinium Genotyping: Introduction to DesignStudio Microarray Assay Designer

333 views | 4 years ago

Introduction to the new online DesignStudio Microarray Assay Designer; a tool that streamlines the process of designing fully or semi-custom Infinium iSelect HD, HTS, and XT format BeadChips. This webinar...

Infinium Genotyping: Strandology - Strand designations in Infinium Manifests

758 views | 4 years ago

Illumina’s Manifests for our Infinium BeadChips contain different strand and allele designations, allowing for multiple ways to report genotyping alleles. In this webinar we will discuss the following...