Identification of Novel Fusions and Pharmacogenomic Targets in Cancer

1419 views | 7 years ago

This webinar describes the optimization and validation of two commercially available clinical research next-generation sequencing (NGS) assays. The first assay is aimed at identifying fusion transcripts...

CZ Biohub: Conducting innovative experiments with NGS

8502 views | 7 years ago

Steve Quake and Joe DeRisi of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub discuss their mission to conduct innovative experiments and new kinds of collaborations in genomics. By partnering with 3 major universities...

Darwin on our Doorsteps | Adventures in Genomics

54981 views | 7 years ago

The California Channel Islands have a very unique flora and fauna. The California Island Fox is a crucial species on the islands’ ecosystem and co-inhabited the islands with humans for thousands of...

Detecting Somatic Mutations in Neurological Disorders With Targeted NGS

102 views | 7 years ago

In this webinar, Dr. Jamuar discusses the optimal technique for the detection of somatic mosaicism. He evaluates the limitations of Sanger sequencing and highlights the advantages of targeted next-generation...

Taking a Stab at Pierce’s Disease | Adventures in Genomics

55814 views | 7 years ago

Plants, like animals, depend on microbes to function to their fullest capacity. To understand more about plants, plant microbiomes, and plant disease, Jacques and Irene interviewed Caroline Roper from...

Introducing NovaSeq: The Next Era in Sequencing Starts Now

29140 views | 7 years ago

Hear from some of the minds behind the powerful new NovaSeq Series of Systems(www.illumina/novaseq). Discover the inspiration and innovation that crafted the NovaSeq Series as well as the ultimate mission...

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Follow up

618 views | 8 years ago

The ALS ice bucket challenge generated millions of dollars for research. Using Illumina’s technology, ProjectMinE, is already making new discoveries about ALS.

Diversity In Our Diets | Adventures in Genomics

51574 views | 8 years ago

Complex diseases have increased dramatically over the last few decades. Many of these are associated with abnormalities in composition of the microbiome, but the cause/effect relationship still remains...