Single-Cell RNA Sequencing and de novo Cell Type Discovery | Illumina Video

4249 views | 8 years ago

Characterization of cells, cell types, and development, is a challenging problem. Traditionally, pathologists apply methods that rely on the a priori knowledge about morphological characteristics of...

Dog Genetics in Health and Disease - Adventures in Genomics

42065 views | 8 years ago

Dogs are our loyal companions who share our environment, food, and even some diseases. Yet, purebred dogs represent only a quarter of the approximately 1 billion dogs worldwide. Where do they come from,...

Tiny Microbes: Reaching the Lowest Limits of Life | Illumina SciMon Video

2251 views | 8 years ago

Sequencing helps identify ultra small bacteria found in groundwater and new viruses found in untreated sewage. The size of these tiny microbes are smaller than the pores of standard purification filters....

The Power of Mitochondrial DNA Heteroplasmy - Adventures in Genomics

41363 views | 8 years ago

In forensics, sometimes samples are so degraded that traditional DNA extractions and methods may not work. Jacques and Irene with Mitch Holland explain how high-throughput sequencing is helping us realize...

From Genotype to Phenotype | Illumina Webinar

656 views | 8 years ago

Lachlan Jolly, Research Fellow, School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide, Pediatrics and Reproductive Health, discusses his insights on gene function in cell models of brain development. He...

Cancer Immunotherapy and the Role of the Microbiome | Illumina SciMon Video

2548 views | 8 years ago

In the story of our long-lasting battle against cancer, encouraging results are coming from applications where our own immune system is triggered to identify and destroy cancer cells. However, these...

Zika virus: From Neglected Tropical Disease to Global Threat | Illumina SciMon Video

952 views | 8 years ago

In a world of rapid international travel, obscure viral infections such as Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue can quickly spread to become a global crisis. The early symptoms of these serious diseases are...

Dr. Rachel Butler: NGS, an enabling technology for pathology labs | Illumina Webinar

2322 views | 8 years ago

Dr. Rachel Butler, Head of the All Wales Genetics Laboratory discusses her rationale for adopting Illumina next-generation-sequencing (NGS)