Illumina Accelerator | Driving Value for Genomics Startups

2016년 7월 11일

Take a look inside Illumina Accelerator and find out how we’re partnering with entrepreneurs to help launch genomics startups and advance breakthrough applications in genomics. Meet some of our startups and coaches, including co-founders Mostafa Ronaghi, PhD, CTO of Illumina and Amanda Cashin, PhD, Head of Illumina Accelerator. From capital, to sequencing expertise, to business coaching, and world-class facilities in San Francisco Bay Area, Illumina Accelerator helps drive value for your genomics startup and unlock the power of the genome to improve human health and beyond. Join us. Apply now. Learn more about our startups featured: EpiBiome, Inc. Naked Biome, Inc. Trace Genomics, Inc. Vitagene, Inc. Xcell Biosciences, Inc. Filmed at STEM Kitchen & Garden with kind permission from Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Subscribe to the Illumina video channel About Illumina Accelerator Illumina Accelerator is the world’s first business accelerator focused solely on creating an innovation ecosystem for the genomics industry. It provides select startups with seed investment, business guidance, access to Illumina’s sequencing systems and reagents, and fully operational lab space in the San Francisco Bay Area during each six-month funding cycle. For more information, visit

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