How to properly delete runs on the NextSeq 1000/2000

684 views | 4 years ago

In this video, we will show you how to properly delete runs on the NextSeq 1000/2000. A sequencing run requires around 200 GB of local disk space. A warning notification will display to let you know...

Uploading and downloading FASTQ files with BaseSpace CLI

5385 views | 4 years ago

BaseSpace™ Sequence Hub (BSSH) is the Illumina cloud-based platform for data management, storage, and analysis. In addition to uploading instrument run data, locally generated sample data in the form...

Infinium™ Protocol Video

15440 views | 4 years ago

This video presents the Illumina Infinium™ assay lab workflow for HD, HTS, and LCG format BeadChips™ and is intended as a visual introduction and reference for new Infinium users. • Protocol steps demonstrated:...

How to generate an RFID bypass code in MyIllumina

846 views | 4 years ago

An RFID bypass code can be generated through the MyIllumina account if needed to move forward with a run when the instrument is unable to read the consumable RFID. This video shows how to generate the...

How To Perform A System Health Check On The NovaSeq 6000

3659 views | 4 years ago

The system check is a diagnostic test that can help troubleshoot potential issues before the next sequencing run. Only perform the system check when recommended by Illumina Tech Support. The system...

NextSeq 500/550/Dx : How to Powercycle and Reboot to RUO

1039 views | 4 years ago

Welcome to the Nextseq 500/550 & Dx instructional video series. This video will guide you through the necessary steps to powercycle (reinitialize) and/or reboot the Nextseq 500/550 & Dx. Other instructional...

NextSeq 500/550 : How to set up a Wash

2973 views | 4 years ago

Welcome to the Nextseq 500/550 & Dx instructional video series. This video will guide you through the necessary steps to take when wanting to perform a Maintenance or Manual Post-Run wash on the Nextseq...

NextSeq 500/550 : Denature and Dilute Libraries

1449 views | 4 years ago

Welcome to the Nextseq 500/550 & Dx instructional video series. This video will guide you through the necessary steps to denature and dilute libraries before running on the Nextseq 500/550 & Dx. Other...