Informatics 제품

high intensity sequencing illustration

More relevant data.
More efficiently than ever.

See what is possible through the latest advances in Illumina Connect your samples, systems, and analytics together with a comprehensive bioinformatics software solution

Seamless Integration

Streamline your sample and data management processes into one workflow with seamless instrument integration of our software solutions.

Approachable for Every Lab

Automate your workflows and transform your data from samples to insights with push-button, ready-to-use analysis tools.

Customizable & Automatable

Maximize your efficiency and resources using highly accurate, scalable solutions that get you to answers quicker.

Software for every workflow stage

Discovery and diagnostic power

Accelerate your genomic discovery and maximize sequencer value with a comprehensive data solution

Comprehensive Coverage

Unlock the most complete view of your NGS data, with broad multiomic coverage

Proven Accuracy

Attain high-quality, reproducible insights with award-winning bioinformatics software including DRAGEN, the most accurate secondary analysis measured by Precision FDA (DRAGEN 3.10)

Insightful interpretation

Derive insights from genetic data for research and/or clinical applications

We liked the simplicity of it. We also liked the modularity of it...we were able to take DRAGEN software and plug it into our existing infrastructure and pipelines relatively seamlessly.

Kyle Retterer
CTO of GeneDx
Interested in learning how informatics software can streamline your entire data workflow? Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.

proven industry leadership and innovation

Committed to the highest standards in technology and support

llumina software solutions are built with the same exceptional level of accuracy, accessibility, and security standards as our sequencing solutions. Our comprehensive bioinformatics suite maximizes efficiency and empowers you to transform your data into insights with powerful tools for configuration, seamless instrument integration, and approachable user experiences.

Global NGS Industry Leadership

Users worldwide trust our innovative multiomics technology for their NGS needs, making Illumina the largest sequencer provider in the world. Customers choose our software solutions to generate, analyze, and interpret their NGS data with a high degree of accuracy and exceptional quality.

Your Implementation and Support Partner

Changing your software workflows can be demanding and time-consuming. We offer best-in-class implementation support to help offset switching cost and process challenges.

Relentless Innovation

We’re continuously creating new technologies and expanding capabilities to optimize your workflow, reduce data silos and incompatibility, and improve your experience at every point in the process.

data security and compliance

High Standards of Data Privacy and Protection

To meet the most stringent security requirements, our software products are built with security and compliance at their core. Data sharing security and governance, audit trails with encryption, and sharing controls ensure your data is kept safe and secure.

Variant Interpreter

Perform rapid, rich, and accurate annotation of genomic data for individual subjects.

Correlation Engine

Gain access to one of the largest biological databases in the world to get data-driven answers for genes, experiments, drugs and phenotypes.

Cohort Analyzer

Integrate and analyze subject and genomic data together using innovative visualization and analysis tools.

RUGD Workflow

TSS v2.0 incorporates a seamless integration with sequencers and BaseSpace SequenceHub, as well as an integrated AI-based variant prioritization tool. The updated TSS workflow reduces interpretation time and allows users to explore variants associated with rare disease.

  • Exome support
  • Sequencer integration
  • AI-based variant prioritization

Developer Portals and Community Resources

Access API, application, and developer documentation as well as binary downloads and installers. Collaborate in real-time with like-minded collegues.

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Find support, submit requests, and join in on conversations about your work. Learn More


Get documentation, FAQs, technical bulletins, training, and software downloads all in one place. Learn More

Open Source Tools

Access high-quality, freely available software designed by trusted Illumina engineers and partners.

Help Documentation

Learn how to get started, read about our native apps, SDKs and sample apps, developer tools, and more.


Product files and installable software for use with Illumina products.

Simple, Value-Based Pricing


One easy annual fee with tiered access

Tiers based on:

  • Number of users
  • Size of enterprise

Scale up or down, depending on your needs

Choose your amounts of:

  • Storage
  • Computational load

Increase capabilities with individual features

Product specific customization:

  • Access to premium tools
Illumina Connected Analytics      
BaseSpace Clarity LIMS      
BaseSpace Sequence Hub      
DRAGEN-Bio IT Platform      
TruSight Software Suite      

Our customer support hub ensures that you have the tools you need to get the most out of your informatics workflow

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Featured Bioinformatics Content

Whole-Genome Sequencing as an Asset for Life

Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing-based consumer genomics companies are entering the market, offering a genomic view for life-long genetic assessment.

Using Analytics to Improve Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy Selection

Illumina Connected Analytics enables automated workflows that help the Genomics Platform Group at UMCCR analyze, process, and disseminate genetic data.

A Genetic Data Matchmaking Service for Researchers

Sano Genetics protects individual genetic information ownership while connecting people to meaningful research.